On October 3, 2013, CUPE Local 69 members (City of Brandon) recognized long-time CUPE activist Chris Sims with a memorial bench, placed outside City Hall in Brandon, Manitoba.
Brother Chris Sims started with the City of Brandon on February 4, 1974. During his 39 year career with the City of Brandon, he represented CUPE Local No. 69 as an executive member and sat on a number of committees for the Local. It was with great sadness that suddenly Brother Sims passed away on March 6, 2013. He was a true leader, friend and role model for all union members.
Pictured: Front row, left to right:
Val McArthur, President; Judy Skulmoski, Recording Secretary; Danielle Adriaansen, Shop Steward
Back row, left to right:
Doug McLaughlin, CUPE National Representative; Wayne Isleifson, Warden; Brian Simpson, Treasurer; Sean Fleming, Shop Steward; Ryan Savage, Shop Steward; Tim Rey, Shop Steward